Saturday, November 3, 2012

Console Gaming, time to grow up. > Gamezone > View News Article

Competitive console gaming has been in the shadows of the competitive gaming world for as far as we can look back. However, within the past 2 years, competitive console gaming has had a rollercoaster of attention from the general gaming population.

One of the biggest moments of the console gaming community was that of the Call of Duty XP event, where the prize pool of 1 million Dollars saw a huge attention come directly to console gamers. Since then there has been a dispersed amount of attraction to competitive console gaming, with competitive events drawing noticeable but not near enough attention to be on par with the bigger PC titles that saw huge viewership.

Well not all is lost, competitive console gamers might be sitting on the eve of what might see the whole competitive world sit back and take notice. This is all due to the next two titles that will play a huge role in driving the public gamers straight into the competitive console gaming world; those two titles are Halo 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

Why, you might ask yourself, are these two titles so integral to the development and viewership of competitive gaming? Well the fact is that these are the two titles that draw the most attention to public gamers that also have the competitive draw that allows the public to relate to the games. This relationship is vital for growth for the community (with numbers of players) as well as the viewership that can relate to the game that is being played at the highest level. Now there are other titles out there that also draw similar attention. Those games, such as Fifa, do not allow for mass media sharing of the matches that take place due to the fact that there are no spectator options for games. Halo 4 and Black Ops 2 stand in a completely different bracket, due to the fact that they both cater to the competitive community viewership. Therefor, allowing the spectators to be able to constantly follow their favourite players/teams which create a rich and more rewarding environment for console competitive gaming.


From a completely local gaming point of view, what could these two titles offer to propel us forward to a new level of competitive gaming? With regard to Halo 4, in the coming weeks the first Halo 4 tournament will kick off. This tournament will see one of the biggest prizes we have ever seen for console gamers. Winners will be flown to Gamescom in Germany and be able to enjoy in some of the best competitive action between now and the finals. If you haven?t registered yet check it out here. What I gained from this personally was more than just a tournament, but a sign from the game industry leaders in South Africa that they are more than ever taking notice of competitive console gaming and with that we as a community can grow exponentially faster than ever.

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Then we have Black Ops 2 which is in a great position locally, due to the local competitive progress that has been made with the previous Call of Duty title, Modern Warfare 3. Black Ops 2 has the opportunity of being the Call of Duty title where we have a dedicated competitive community from the get go instead of a bunch of puzzle pieces that need to be collected and put in place, as was the case with all titles dating back to Call of Duty 4. There is also the support we have seen by stream following, which allows Black Ops 2 to be the bigger better brother in the streaming department which will only make the viewing experience that much better.

With Halo 4 and Black Ops 2 we have been given the tools to take local competitive console gaming to the higher level. Yet these are just tools and if we as a community do not make use of these tools we will be faced with the grave situation of staying in the shadows of our formidable bigger brothers, the PC gamer. Yet like any younger brother it?s up to us to prove our worth to our elder by growing and developing into a well structured and organized machine of public appeal. This will be done by supporting one another via our public media, which are our twitter, YouTube and streaming events. Think of this as the begging of what could possibly be the biggest growth for competitive console gaming. The only question is : are you going to take part or just ride the rollercoaster?

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